Moving on to Frozen Egg Transfer


I had my appointment yesterday to check for ovulation, but we also went over my blood panel. We tested for certain antibodies. I haven't thought twice about these results, because I was NOT expecting any positive or elevated results.  However, my results did come back elevated. So that may be the reason why I suffered a missed miscarriage in November in just had a chemical pregnancy. These embryos are implanting and right now we are not having an issue with implantation and getting pregnant, but I can't STAY pregnant. There is a strong possibility it's because of these natural killer cells. They see an embryo as a foreign body and begin to attack it thinking that they’re protecting me. It's nice to have a plausible answer, but it's also really upsetting to know that my body is betraying me and possibly killing off my embryos.

 Luckily, this is easily treated and it's as simple as taking baby aspirin and possibly doing Heparin injections throughout the two week wait, or for however long we may need them, and I will also be doing an IVIG right before transfer to help counteract the NK Cells. I will also continue to focus on blood circulation through exercise and healthy diet.

If this is in fact the problem, we can easily fix it! So, I am glad that we are aware of this right now. I'm about to do my 2nd transfer, which will be my 1st frozen embryo transfer, and this just gives me a little bit more hope that this baby will stick and actually thrive and I can have a full pregnancy and an eventual live birth.


Waiting to Ovulate is…


How I’m Feeling & What’s Next