Day 10 Stims: OMG, Trigger Day!



Saturday, February 20

I feel like complete and utter shit, man.

I was so nervous about my appointment today, but I kept thinking that there is no way my follicles aren’t growing like weeds right now with how full and sloshy my ovaries and uterus feel. Well, I was right. I had a great appointment.  We are a go for retrieval on Monday. My follicles on the right grew significantly, and there are ten or more follicles we should be able to get.

Triggered at 7:40pm! 

G*ddamn my hip hurts. I was limping out of the office. Good God in Heaven!!! But, it’s done! Monday, here we come!


Day 11: Quick update


Day 9 Stims: Yep, Still F*&$ This!!